A downloadable game

It has been several weeks since we arrived here, south of Cairo, in Saqqara with a sun that looks relentless despite the dry climate and only the water and shelter under the tent we have set up gives us some relief. I came with two colleagues with whom I have been studying and contrasting data from the area for some time to locate the tomb of Imhotep and we have clues that lead us to think that he lies buried very close to the step pyramid of Djoser, right here in Saqqara and south of this one, about 500 meters away. Imhotep was his architect and would surely be buried, as was customary, near the tomb he built for Pharaoh Djoser.

After a few weeks of searching and working, we had a mishap. An entrance that was hidden in a wall of the mastaba has collapsed and a huge rock has fallen on the leg of one of my colleagues. They quickly took the Jeep and rushed to the Qsar El Ayni hospital in Cairo. The entrance remained hidden under some engravings that we happened to find and that were revealed by pure chance.

Meanwhile, I wait here, guarding the entrance against possible looters, not without some nerves. After so much time, we have finally discovered what appears to be a funerary temple that promises the best.

Meanwhile, my patience is desperate and I try to communicate with them with my cell phone and the practically zero coverage here doesn't help either. Furthermore, my curiosity increases exponentially every minute I spend alone with this discovery. The gusts of air caress the stones and cause sounds that confuse me, believing I hear voices that seduce me to enter and frighten me in the same way. Furthermore, this opening into the interior, this great discovery, attracts me like a magnet and I doubt that I can resist too much without entering inside and seeing what wonders are hidden.

How this adventure works:

  • To move: N, S, E or O
  • To view this page: HELP
  • To view credits: CREDITS
  • To view the inventory: I or INVENTORY
  • For the rest: VERB + SUBJECT
  • For punctuation: PUNTUATION
  • For loading or Save the current game: LOAD or SAVE



  • Idea and game by Bieno
  • Music by Narcisound
  • Start graphic by Ax!s
  • Ingame graphics by Bieno
  • Extra code by Csixx
  • Dir-Art by Buzz click
  • Cover image by Sirdrak
  • Physical box by Josepzin

Credits of the Oric version:

  • Idea and Game by Bieno
  • Everything else by Chema & DOM


The Last Tomb.d64 170 kB
The Last Tomb.crt 256 kB
The Last Tomb (ORIC).dsk 500 kB
The Last Tomb(ORIC).tap 23 kB

Install instructions

The D64 file can be run on a Commodore 64 or using an emulator: VICE

ORIC users can also execute the game from a computer or from an emulator: ORICUTRON.


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Great game with good music. I played a little bit for the video, but I want to play some more. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New C64 Games from August 2024" video along with all the other recently released C64 games.

Thank you !!!


Nice game!


Thanks for the video!